Want to know what’s on at the animal sanctuary – subscribe to our Facebook pages for a list of events throughout the year. Along with regular yard sales every month – with everything from antiques, books to pet products – we have open days for you to come along and meet the animals and a Knit and natter club (you don’t have to be able to knit to attend).
Come along and say hello to Steven Seagull and the ducks. Meet the hoglets and say hello to our chowder (cat pouches and biscuits are always well received). Timmy will be serving refreshments throughout the day.

Events start from 11am with lots of free parking.
June 29th – June Yard Sale
July 3rd – Meet The Animals!
July 6th – Meet The Animals!
July 10th – Knit And Natter Club
July 27th -July Yard Sale
August 7th – Meet The Animals!
August 10th- Meet the Animals!
August 14th – Knit And Natter Club