Thanks to fund raisers

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Chelsea and Kyler are dedicated supporters of the animals at Pet Samaritans and Stella the staffi is one of their favourites.   They come to see her on a regular basis and she loves them too.    Chelsea, together with her family, has recently been fund raising for the sanctuary and has been cake baking, face painting and collecting for us – she’s raised a magnificent £153.00 – this helps us to carry on, continue with our rescues and keep the animals well fed and warm.   A big thank you to Chelsea and everyone who has donated.   We hear there are lots more fund raising projects coming soon – Stella will be pleased!

Stella is a lovely little staffi who is available for adoption.   She’s middle aged and laid back and well behaved.   Stella is spayed and vaccinated, she is an easy going little lady, nice and small and smooth coated.   She doesn’t ask much from life ……. well, regular tasty meals, lots of walks, plenty of fuss and friendship, a cosy basket with plenty of cushions, trips out in the car, a few toys, lots of treats, someone to tell her that she’s a good girl and very sweet…. oh, and an occasional game of football – she’s quite a fan!

if you’d like to come and meet Stella please get in touch.  Or just to take her for a walk and give her a fuss would be good too.  01246 455777



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