Thanks for the Marathon Donation

Many thanks to Tom, pictured above, who ran the Chesterfield half marathon in 1 hours 46 mins and raised £200 for the animals at the Sanctuary. Thanks to everyone who sponsored him.
Also thanks to Jemima who raised £15.59 by doing a raffle with family and friends – you might remember she did one for us back in Easter. You are a star!

With food bills, vets fees and heating over the winter months, we urgently need your support. Raising money via events is a great way to help us but you don’t need to run a marathon to help us raise funds (although if you are feeling fit like Tom we will cheer you along!). A small regular donation every month would mean the world to us and it’s easy to do.
Head on over to our donation pages or sponsor our rescued wildlife and help us make a difference to the animals. For just the price of a cup of coffee, you can ensure the sanctuary keeps going to help all the animals and wildlife that are brought into the centre on a daily basis. We have no reserves and cannot keep going without your help. Can you spare just a few pounds every month?

Your donation will help us to care for wildlife such as Steven Seagull (not to be confused with Steven Seagal martial arts star) who came in recently with an injured wing. He’s just one of the many injured birds that need your help.

Thankyou Cat

Injured Seagull at the Animal Sanctuary