Tansy’s kittens on the move

What a difference a week makes!   Tansy’s kits are growing rapidly, starting to explore and take an interest in food.  This one is a boy cat (I think!) called Tomkin.  At this stage the kittens sleep together, play together and eat together.   Their personalities are starting to come through now, the female kitten (Twiggy) is quite shy but loving and cuddly when you pick her up.    Tomkin doesn’t go far from the nest, he’s a mommy’s boy.   Todd is the bravest and has been venturing out on his own. He’s the leader of the pack and confident enough to go on the prowl for food …..


After a few minutes though he turns round and heads back home to sis.

They are still mommy’s pets and can’t wait for her to come back to them.

Doesn’t she have the most beautiful eyes?  She’s a lovely mother and a placid, good natured cat too.

All these kittens are available for adoption when they have been vaccinated and had their health check at the vets.   It will be in about three weeks time.    If you are interested in adopting one of the kittens please let us know.   All kittens are beautiful but these three are really special and they love to be nursed.


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