Strays dogs in all shapes and sizes

Sometimes it’s all staffis, then its Jack Russells and Border Collies the week after – it’s impossible to predict what sort of stray dogs we’ll get in next.   The last few weeks have brought us a completely mixed bunch of dogs – they are all shapes, breeds and sizes, from Dobermans to Alsatians and tiny tots to big macho men.

We have to wait a while to see if they are claimed and all the while we are doing personality assessments to see if they are suitable for adoption.   We don’t offer dogs for re-homing if they have behavioural issues – a period of time in our pet re-habilitation usually sorts any problems out.  Normally all it takes is confidence building, sorting out any health issues and a laid back routine with lots of love  – some of these dogs have been through a lot!

We’ll put their pictures and stories online as soon as they are ready so watch out for them in the next few days.

As usual we’re desperate for food so if you can help with a donation or bring some cans, pouches or complete in – we’ll be very grateful.  

Thanks folks!