Stella will be good for you

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Just like the lager, our lovely brindle staffi, is good for you.  She is a perfect companion, well behaved and very sociable.   She’ll take you out for regular walks and help get you fit.  Stella loves to have a stroll up the fields or in the woods.   Stella will make sure you are never lonely, she loves to be with you and at your side.   A ride in the car is one of her favourite treats.   And just stroking Stella and talking to her will lower your blood pressure, she is a calm and relaxing friend.

You can tell from all this that we adore our Stella, she is well behaved, intelligent, clean and very lovable.   She’s been with us for a long time now and is fine with other dogs and ignores our cats.  Stella regularly goes out with our Rambling Rovers, she has also been home for weekends with her friends and support group.  Everyone loves Stella and she is as good as gold when she goes on a weekend away with a foster family.

What she would like most of all though is to have a family of her very own.  Can you help this deserving little dog?   She will make some lucky people a very faithful forever friend. She’s a middle aged girl, very spritely, likes to play football, likes food, clean and polite, Stella is fully vaccinated and has been spayed.  Please get in touch if you’d like to come and meet her.