Starved whippet

Whippets are normally streamlined but this poor chap is much too thin.   You can almost see every bone in his body and he has knocks and cuts all over.    There’s little wonder he is so upset, he must feel sore and he is ravenously hungry.  When dogs get into this sort of state, even young ones like this one, it takes a lot of t.l.c. and care to pull them round.   We give them small very nourishing meals very often so they can digest what they are eating more easily.   Sometimes it’s not until they relax and feel safe and well again that we see the first improvement.    Let’s h

hope it’s soon.

Sad face.

When he first came in ….. he’s lost all hope.

Hey, that’s better!

If anyone has any spare dog coats to bring in we could really make use of them.  |We have so many thin and poorly dogs in at the present time.   Many thanks.