to opening the doors and welcoming everyone to our newly refurbished centre. It’s been somewhat of a emotional roller coaster the last few weeks as miracles have happened everyday to make this dream come true. Thank you so much. Apologies we have not had much time for web duties or social media updates. It’s been all hands on deck with a never ending list of jobs to do. The good news is, there is an end in sight and our much needed refurbishment to the centre is, dare we say it, nearly complete. Our new kitchen is installed and looking very swish. Plumbing is complete and all electrical work finished. Just a few little bits to finish off on the trims, skirtings etc and hopefully the worktop splash back is arriving tonight for St John, the joiner to install. The tables are looking fab and we are sure you’ll agree Dan and Max did a super job making them for us out of recycled wood and steel. They should last us for many years.

We have picked up some vintage recycled chairs to go with them and we can’t wait for you to try them out.
Thanks to everyone who has helped paint, clean, make drinks and support the project and our team. It really is wonderful and wouldn’t have been possible without our fantastic community.
There are just a few things on our christmas wishlist to source before we can officially open the doors – a coffee making machine so we can serve delicious coffees, cutlery sets to get us started, tea towels and cups, mugs and saucers. If you can help with any of them, pop along to our Amazon wishlist or get in touch with a member of the team if you would like to sponsor an item.

We are still on track to be up and running for our Christmas event on the 7th December. Fingers crossed and the winds behind us, it will all come together on the day. It promises to be our best Christmas event ever with teas, coffees, cakes and all the animals. We hope to see you all there.