There’s no doubt about it – all dogs are descended from wolves. It used to be thought that jackals and coytotes were also ancestors of our pet dogs but recent […]
Twinkle has had her kittens at last, she was wandering round looking huge and we thought she must surely burst1 They arrived quickly and safely and motherhood certainly suits this […]
It’s been a hectic week and inevitably, running an animal sanctuary brings its share of problems. There is never enough funding coming in, keeping going is a struggle, not every […]
Paris’ kittens are doing well, they have their eyes open and are moving around although not ready to leave the nest yet. Paris is an attentive mum and keeps a […]
We’ve moved Ozzie to a much larger cage, enough room for him to spread his wings and hopefully start to perch. It all goes in stages, being fed, perching, moving […]
Russell is an 18month old long haired daschund and a darling little dog. He’s come in through no fault of his own, his owners just couldn’t keep him any more […]
Up to yesterday, Ozzie was spending a lot of time lying down, he was like a chick in a nest and although he looked cosy, he didn’t look very owl […]
They are almost an endangered species and not nesrly so many hedgehogs around as there were a few years ago. We do everything we can to preserve them, get them […]
We’re in a regular routine now, Ozzie wakes up early, at first light. He stands up then and is ready for breakfast which is cut up pieces of dead day […]
Pepperpot is a pretty multi-coloured girl rabbit with loving shadings of colour in her coat – there’s beige, orange, grey, black, white and all hues in between. She’s a friendly […]