The five kittens who were born last week are still in the nest, they are just starting to open their eyes. Even at this age you can tell the difference […]
We release all the birds when they are recovered and this pigeon took a long while to get his health back. Pigeons are said to be the most intelligent of […]
Some of the sanctuary horses are shown here in the evening sun, they cast long shadows as they graze. The grass is sweet as it’s recently been ‘topped’ or cut […]
‘Yum, yum! That was good!’ Thank you Lauren and Jag for sending us a pack of kitten milk chosen from our wish list. We love it! We’ve just had […]
Join us now and help the animals – there’s a FREE Pet Samaritans keyring with each new membership. You’ll also get our NEWSLETTERS post free, andf info and updates. […]
Faces filled with concentration – our kittens are making a wish and it’s all about food, they like any brand of kitten pouches – and a saucer of cat milk […]
IN LOVING MEMORY OF DIANE ATTACK who passed away July 2015 Diane Attack was a dog lover who had much loved pets of her own. Diane worked for A […]
He’s friendly, fussy and a bit of a wimp – Jimbo is a young dog who is looking for a new home. He’s one of the nicest dogs you could […]
We have lots of kittens at present and they are always hungry. It’s good to see them eating well, it’s a sign they’re healthy and growing. Another cat who was […]
She’s a tiny tot but Pippa has a huge amount of love to give. This little girl is a Chihuaha x Chinese Powder Puff and although she is just over […]