Just good friends? Or is it the real thing? Rackham and Orangina have definitely got a ‘thing’ going!
These two little ones were born yesterday – there are two more somewhere in the nest too. One of the other kits is similar to these, the last one […]
We have hundreds of books in our shop – from latest bestsellers to old and rare titles. Why pay High Street prices when you can get your books for […]
Feeding this big lad is quite a job A huge thank you to everyone who has brought us dog and cat food, blankets and towels, books and things we can […]
Our shop is open 11.0am to 4.0pm and is filled with goodies all on sale in aid of the animals. Books (why pay High Street prices?) – ours start […]
Little kitten Sabrina is having a day out tomorrow, Saturday 4th September. Along with her three kitten friends and big pal Lawson, she will be at Companion Care’s Kitten […]
Hedges, leaves and herbs – it’s goat heaven. These are some of our Anglo-Nubian (the coloured goats) and Saanen goats (white ones). Several are a mix! They […]
Kittens need to be cuddled – keeping them cosy and warm makes all the difference to their growth and development. We urgently need blankets and sheets for bedding.
We now have a separate area for viewing the cats and kittens available for adoption.
Animal activists in Catalonia have recently voted to ban bullfighting in the region.