The view that it’s better to be a vegetarian has been given a boost with the recent news that many ready meals contain horsemeat. It’s not just […]
Lottie, a Golden Retriever, went missing on Sunday 27th January from her home in Rowsley, Chesterfield. Lottie is aged 2 years and a much loved pet. She is 2 years […]
Our goats have been feeling cold even though they are stabled up and have plenty of straw and hay to eat. They are Anglo-Nubian types – biblical goats […]
St.Bernard’s are known to be gentle giants but they are also brave and resourceful characters too. They have an excellent scenting ability and can find what […]
All the enthusiasm for going long walks and having a run up the fields has disappeared – the Miss Whippets are wrapped up warm but […]
Please let us know if you see anything of a very pretty black and white cat called Meg. Her owner is desperate for news and this is what she’s told […]
Will everyone please pray for the horses who are sent to markets and sold to the knackerman. We pray that no one will sell their horse or pony […]
The shocking pictures on t.v. today showing horses being crammed into a stunning pen at an abbattoir are nothing new. Horses are treated like commodities with no […]
Why are some of the big supermarkets selling horse meat burgers? Even more difficult to understand is why people buy food that has been made in a factory, has […]
It’s probably been going on for years and horses have always been slaughtered for food. Now the food inspectors have proved what we’ve long suspected, that horse […]