Pet ownership – it’s all about education. You can make new laws and regulate all you like but helping people to learn about our animal friends is the most important factor in pet ownership. One of our main aims is to help provide education, information, guidance and support. It’s all about making the right decisions. Do you really want an alsatian if you have three young children and a part time job? Or a border collie if you live in a flat and don’t go out much? Or a staffi if you have two feisty Jack Russells? All recent requests! What to do about problem pets – please don’t just dump them. We need to understand animal behaviour and be aware of their needs – we share this planet with them and they have rights too. Are humans the superior species here? Certainly the dominant one and the species who cause the most destruction.
The majority of the animals brought in to us have been abandoned becuase they are ‘difficult’ to handle. This is not their fault and problems can be overcome with a bit of effort and patience. We find that most people are animal lovers. It’s that they have the wrong pet or do not know how to care for and offer a satisfactory life to the animal they have acquired. Money spent on regulation would be better used for education. We believe that animal care should be taught in schools – it would be of lifetime value, a confidence builder and a popular subject!
One of our main aims is to help the pets who are misunderstood and in the wrong environment – why do good dogs do bad things? It’s a communication thing – the dogs usually understand us – but they think we’re crazy! Dogs chew or bark or bite. Cats aren’t as easy to care for as the owner thought – hairs everywhere, toilet mistakes, clawing furniture. The situation becomes intolerable and the pet has to go. We try to show the benefit of getting the right companion animals and how to care for them. The trend is to humanise our pets but is this such a good thing? They are a different species to us. Whilst we value our cats and dogs and other pets as friends and companions, we have to make sure we understand and respect them. We control every aspect of our pets lives – an awesome responsibility. Pets have proven health benefits for us humans, we must make sure we benefit their lives also.
Get in touch if you have a pet problem and we’ll try to help – email us at: pe***********@ao*.com
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