When Buffy first came in she was in shock. She’d just seen her mother killed and the rest of her brothers and sisters had scattered. When hedgehogs are frightened they make little ‘huffing’ sounds and curl up tight. It was over a day before Buffy started to uncurl and at first we could only see her little face and her front feet.
We put her in with Biggie who is tame and quite confident, he’s one of the babies we bottle reared earlier in the year – does he think I’m his mother? I wouldn’t be surprised! It worked and Buffy came out and began to eat. This is critical in getting these little orphans to survive.
She’s a very late little hoglet, quite tiny and no chance of surviving through the winter without help. She didn’t think much to cat food to start with but some sunflower seeds and a small piece of walnut hit the spot. She snuggles up on the heated pad next to Biggie and is obviously feeling more safe now. There’s only one other problem – she has a greyish blob attached to her in between the spines on her back. It’s a tick and will be sucking her blood. I need to get it off as soon as possible.
We put her in with Biggie who is tame and quite confident, he’s one of the babies we bottle reared earlier in the year – does he think I’m his mother? I wouldn’t be surprised1