Ragamuffin kittens start to roam

The ‘ragamuffin’ kittens have come out of their nest for the first time.    We’ve been picking them up and giving them a fuss to try to keep them tame but before today they scooted back down into a gap between the straw bales.   It was cosy and safe but  far too  secluded.  If they’d decided to go further into the bales it would have been difficult to get to them and they’d have been likely to go wild.    Thankfully they’ve decided to come out into the big wide world and where we can see them.   Now we can have a good look at them – there are two black and white and nicely marked, two tabby and white and the little tortieshell – these tri-colour cats are always female.    The kittens look a bit scared which is probably why they are all piled up in a heap.   One of them, the little tortie girl, has been licking at mum’s food, the rest don’t have the hang of eating yet.  The tortie is the one at the bottom of the pile with all her brothers and sisters sitting on top!    Mum is still nursing them and she is a good mother although very skittish with humans.   We’ll have to tame her next.

With so many mouths to feed we are struggling.   Please buy us some cat food from our online shop if you are able.  [donate]

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