Pregnant cat gives birth on the way to the sanctuary.

Honey and kittens arrive at the animal sanctuary

Honey, the cat was brought to the sanctuary unexpectedly early yesterday morning. Her owner could no longer care for her and needed to urgently find a place to take her. On arrival Honey was clearly distressed, she was in the full swings of labour in a small travel basket and had already given birth to one kitten. Even though our resources are stretched to the limit with a maternity unit already full of mums and kittens, Honey clearly needed our help.

This is common story for us. Cats arrive with no notice, often just left at the gates and we have to work a miracle. The team were worried about having the resources to help but they couldn’t turn her away. She needed help now.

The good news is Honey successfully gave birth to three beautiful girls and is feeding them well. She has most likely done this many times before. She now has a safe place at the animal sanctuary where she will be loved and cared for.

We’ll have some more updates soon…. But in the mean time please help honey and all the other cats and kittens currently in our care with a donation. It costs hundreds of pounds to help each mum and her kittens. Our team is stretched to the limit with funds depleted and we need your support. You can donate to Honey and her kittens below.

Find out more about our campaign to help pregnant cats and kittens here.