Pigeons are best friends

birds - wilma 10Wilma is gradually getting better, we don’t know exactly what her injuries atre, she has had difficulties walking and flying, now she can do both although is not one hundred per cent.

She’s a lovely gentle little bird who has developed a strong friendship with Little Squabbie who is still a bit small and immature and not ready to be released.   Late born birds and other creatures do take longer to develop so it might not be till the spring that we release this pair.

birds - little squabbieWhat about Big Squabbie?   A lovely happy ending – he reared well and became fat and sleek and strong.  Last week we gave him the chance to be free – and he took it.   He was off like an arrow and soared up into the sky before I could get a photo.  It was great to see him fly.   Several pigeons come swooping round when I’m feeding the animals – I’m sure they are ‘our’ pigeons who are coming back to see us.  Food is always out for them and I do hope so.