Pigeon youngsters find a friend

birds - pigeons & friend Our two pigeon youngsters are doing well.  Little Sqabbie is eating on his own now but both of them still like me to hand feed them from time to time.   They are tame and can be picked up and ‘preened’ – which is when I gently stroke their feathers which they love.

in spite of the age difference they are best friends.   Big Squabbie could be released I’m sure, but his young pal would be devastated so we will wait till he catches up.  There is no problem, they both practise their flying in our indoor aviary and do everything together.   There’s nothing like a big bro to show a baby pigeon the ropes!  Little Squabbie hasn’t come on so quickly though but that may be due to the time of year.

Today we had another pigeon brought in, she can’t fly properly and has been grounded in a garden and at risk of being caught by cats or a fox.   She’s a pretty white bird who has a gentle nature. (see her in the right hand side of the photo)  She’s settling in well although Big Squabbie and Little Squabbie don’t quite know what to make of her.   I hope they’ll soon be friends.

Jim Crow has gone in to an outdoor aviary today – he’s a strong bird with a determined character, there is no way I could put him in with the pigeons.  His feisty spirit has enabled him to survive though and he has a great appetite.   He likes the space in his new quarters but doesn’t like me to go too near.   He can fly a little bit and keeps practicing – he’ll soon get there.

birds - jimbo