Pigeon too tired to fly

pigeon - tired out

When Homer the pigeon came in to Sanctuary Reception by himself, we knew he was going to be something special.   Most birds are brought in by a rescuer – he came on his own.   He wasn’t able to fly or even stand although we couldn’t see any injury.

Homer settled down well, he is in a cage by the window and enjoys looking out and eating his corn ration and having a drink of water and having a look what’s going on outside and …… well, you get the idea.   He’s looking well and his feathers have become shiny again, he is a very handsome pigeon.  Except that he doesn’t stand up – it seems as though his legs can’t bear any weight.

Homer has rings on both his legs and we eventually made contact with his owner who lives over 100 miles away, so this bird is a long way from home.  He has come from a pigeon cote where he was bred.   His owner entered him in a race and has been waiting patiently for him to get back, he was relieved to hear that we had taken Homer in and that the bird was still alive.

Racing pigeons is great so long as they make it back home in one piece.  So many things can go wrong, flying into wires, being caught by another predator bird or having some terrible accident.    When we described Homer’s condition his owner felt sure that it was exhaustion and calcium deficiency that was causing his bird’s weakness.   We’ve been told to feed him extra well and when his strength is restored and he can fly again, we can let him go and he will fly home.

So far, Homer is enjoying all the food, comfort and attention that we can provide and flying is the last thing on his mind   Watch this space!