Kevin was supposed to be a micro pig but he just grew and grew and soon became too big for his garden home. He is a very domesticated pig with a friendly nature and the idea of him going into the food chain was not to be contemplated. Pigs are intelligent and clean animals with a make-up very similar to that of humans, which is why their organs are used in heart surgery. As soon as we heard about him we decided that Kevin would have a home for life in the sanctuary.
There are formalities to be observed if you are wanting to keep a pig. First you must have a holding number which you get from Defra. We already have one so that wasn’t a problem. Then you have to have a movement order, again this can be dowloaded from the Animal Health website.
Pigs need plenty of space and a piece of rough ground or woodland is ideal. We had an overgrown patch of land and it just needed to be fenced. This had to be secure as pigs are very strong and adept at escaping. Pigs also need shelter from the cold and wet and Kevin was treated to a new shed by Donna, his best friend and carer from piglet stage.
When Kevin arrived he had to get used to his new surroundings. Donna was confident that he’d go inside the shed at bedtime and she was right. There was straw inside – and blankets (!) as he was used to them – he loves to snuggle up in his comfy bed.
We didn’t know what Kevin would make of all the space in his new porcine des res? A pig in paradise? Or thinking wistfully on the patio and garden he had left? We were soon to find out.
More about Kevin the inquisitive pig tomorrow……..