Pet of the week is Stella

dogs - stella in a coatWe are so happy that ‘top dog’ Stella has found such a great home.  Thanks folks.   Our Pet of the Week and yes, she’s a staffi – but a better little dog would be hard to find.   Stella has a great temperament, she is gentle, kind and affectionate.   She loves food and to have a play, this dog is a first rate footballer, a Wednesday supporter of course.

Stella loves to go a walk, she is energetic and enthusiastic, pulls a bit to start with and then settles down just fine and walks by your side.   She’s good in the car and in the house, clean and well behaved.  Stella loves titbits and treats and enjoys her meals.
Other dogs?  No problem, she is a friendly girl who loves meeting new people and has never had any hang ups while she’s been here with us.   Even cats are fine with this laid back little lady.

But Stella has been here for ages and ages and ages……… and we can’t understand why this picture perfect dog hasn’t found someone special yet.   If you are looking for a faithful friend and life companion please come and meet Stella, we are very fond of her and would love to find her a super special home of her own.

Stella regularly goes out with her friends for a morning or afternoon – even a day or a weekend sometimes – and everyone gives her a 5*rating!  It’s only work commitments that are stopping her regular walkers taking her home for good.