Pepi the Pigeon has his injuries treated




Pepi the rescued pigeon is still with us and doing well.   When a bird is brought in the first night is always critical, it’s when they might go in to shock or not have enough energy to survive.  Birds are such small and fragile creatures, they need to eat enough each day for maintenance and energy and to keep themselves alive.

We’ve assessed his injuries, a wound on the top of one of his wings, we don’t know as yet whether it will affect his flight.   He also has a nasty contusion on his left foot.   Although Pet Samaritan volunteers Wenzi and Emma are being as gentle as possible, Pepi still winces when his injuries are dressed.

The wound on his wing looks as though it has been caused by something piercing him, it might even be an attack from another bird.   It’s hard to say what has caused the cut on his foot.   Both places will take several days to heal but Pepi seems to have accepted his stay in our temporary ‘pigeon hospital’.   A special unit for the wildlife and small animals we take in would be a blessing.   We’d be very grateful for any donations towards this.









Soon be better Pepi….