Pebbles comes back home

cats - pebbles shaved

Well done Pebbles!  Alright so she looks a wreck but the main is that she’s survived the anaesthetic and the tangles are gone. Her coat was in a terrible state with knots too close to the skin to cut off.  Spire Vets gave her excellent care – thank you to the vets and Spire team – she had a pre-med to calm her down before the op began and then she was put on a drip to help her to recover.   By the time we went to fetch her at teatime, she was up and about and ready for something to eat.

Pebbles doesn’t eat biscuits as they don’t suit her but she loves a pouch and goes wild for the meaty sticks.  You have to watch your fingers when you give her one as she’ll jump and grab it before you’ve time to get your hand out of the way.  Pebbles has sharp claws and lightning fast reactions!  When she wants something, she wants it now!

Whilst she was under the anaesthetic her ears were cleaned and teeth checked.  The myth that biscuits keep teeth in good order was rubbished as she has never eaten biscuits and yet has excellent teeth!   Pebbls likes raw meat though and chewing this is  natural jaw exercise.  We also put plaque-off on to her food although I’m sure she wasn’t given this before she came in to the sanctuary. It’s a natural enzyme that helps the plaque to dissolve away.

Pebbles skin does look a bit sore but it doesn’t seem to bother her.   The vet gave her an injection to soothe it and we’ve put aloe vera gel on too.

It’s such a relief that she has survived her ordeal, she does have a heart murmur so this made it more risky.  The weather is warm and her hair will soon grow again, will she let us groom her and keep the knots out?   We’ll have to wait and see.

Any donations to help with Pebbles care would be greatly appreciated.   We’ll send you an adoption certificate, her photo and story in return.

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