Up to yesterday, Ozzie was spending a lot of time lying down, he was like a chick in a nest and although he looked cosy, he didn’t look very owl like. Today, he’s different and up and on his feet. It’s great to see him getting stronger and like a proper little owl!
These are nocturnal birds so we would expect him to snooze during the day but he is much more alert now and I feel we are establishing some sort of communication. At first, all rescued birds are in shock and this is the biggest killer of them when they are brought in to us Keeping them quiet and shady and in as natural environment as possible is the only way. Ozzie was recuperating but now he’s much more aware of his surrooundings and of me. He makes a clicking sound when he sees me. This is ‘owl-talk’- for what??? I’m afraid? I want food? You’ve woken me up? I will have to learn the lingo!