New cat comes to stay

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Tinker has spent the last seven years of his life living with an elderly lady, it’s been just the two of them and he has been a devoted companion.  It’s sad that she now has to go in to hospital and so this lovely Maine Coone boycot has come to live with us.

It’s a period of adjustment at first, everything is different and he has to get used to us and his new surroundings.  He’s a massive cat and very much like our other Maine Coone, Tallulah.  She came in several years ago because she’d been thrown out.  Tinker also was a stray when he first arrived at his owner’s door.

We regularly get pedigree cats brought in which is surprising considering how much they cost to buy as kittens.   Maine Coone’s are something special, they are quirky individuals who like plenty of space and freedom.  When they want something that’s it – no peace until they get it!

Talulah can stand up for herself but Tinker is a bit timid, he likes to have a quiet life.  So far he’s settling well but he’s not used to other cats so he has a room to himself.  It usually takes a  cat a lot longer to settle than it does for a dog.

He’s a good natured boy and lets us pick him up without any problems.  Tempting him with pouches hasn’t worked so it’s chicken on the menu today.

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