Microchip deadline 6th April

Jack Spratt Rescued Dog at the Pet Samaritans

dogs - Spratt reading

We’ve had all the microchips checked on our permanent residents and some of the old stagers who didn’t have one have been chipped.  The deadline for getting microchips implanted in dogs is 6th April and this is now the law, so it has to be done.

The Chesterfield Borough Council Dog Wardens came and did the ‘chipping’ and all went well.  The ‘chip’ itself is small, about the size of a grain of rice.  It’s put in the back of the neck and the whole thing is over in seconds.   There wasn’t any bleeding and the dogs were more interested in the treats we had ready than what was happening.  A dish of sardines as soon as it was done went down very well.

Jack Spratt is always placid and good tempered. We’d been dreading having Miss Nolene done as she’s a feisty little girl at the best of times.  We had a muzzle ready but even getting that on can be tricky.  When she’s good she’s wonderful but when she’s suspicious she can be as quick as lightning!

We needn’t have worried.  Nolene has been here around 12 years and guess what?  She’s already chipped.  A big relief – for us as well as Nolene.

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