Lovely day at the animal sanctuary

Pet Samaritans animal sanctuary

It makes a nice change to see some sunshine after the torrential downpours of late. We thought we’d share few photos with you from Sanctuary Life.

The doves were all out enjoying a feed this morning. What a sight.

Lily pictured below, started volunteering at the animal sanctuary recently and soon made friends with Georgia the cat. Our cat lounge allows visitors to relax and cuddle the cats who are waiting to find new homes. The human interaction is of great help to the cats who often come to us from unfortunate situations. They are often scared, timid and nervous when they first arrive. Being in a safe loving environment soon helps them settle down and re-adjust.

Mums and kittens are all doing well. We have lots of kittens available for adoption soon, so if you are thinking of adopting, please head on over to fill out a kitten enquiry form.

The donated aviary has proven to be of great help. Thank you. We’d love to have some more of these for the small birds getting ready to be released.

With Halloween around the corner, we thought we’d share this little video of a bat recently brought into us. Sweet dreams and don’t forget the garlic!