Lovebirds complete with cage

lovebirds 2THANKS TO ROMANTIC BIRD LOVER FOR GIVING THEM A GOOD HOME – We’ve called them Romeo and Juliet and, like Shakespeare’s lovers, they are devoted to each other.  These are happy birds, beautiful to watch and so affectionate, always together and kissing each other.  They’ve been brought in because of their owner’s illness, sadly she could no longer care for them.     We want to find them the best home possible, lovebirds like attention and the more you are with them and talk to them, the tamer they become.   If you hand feed them they will eventually fly to you for food even if they are loose.   It takes patience though.

Romeo and Juliet come complete with as superb cage, it’s large and has all kinds of toys and perches so there is plenty of variety.  It’s good to let the birds out for a proper fly though.  The last ones we had loved to be out and used to sit on top of the bookcase.

If you are interested in the lovebirds you are welcome to come and meet them – a donation is required.  We’re open between 11.0am and 3.0pm every day.  Please press bell on Reception (blue cabin on right ) when you arrive.

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