Lillie is making friends

cats - lillie 20 - 1Lillie was brought in last year, by a wonderful lady who took the trouble to rescue her from a building site.  Lillie was pregnant, starving and emaciated, it took a long while for her to recover.  She gave birth to a kitten which, sadly, died.

We hoped that Lillie would make a good recovery and be re-homed.  She is a lovely friendly cat – with us only though.   She has been spayed and re-gained her health but emotionally it’s a different story.  It’s only recently that she would tolerate other cats near her.  She doesn’t have any aggression but has been fearful when they’ve been around so we’ve been socialising her and gradually it’s worked.  She’s not exactly sharing a basket with anyone but feed dishes side by side are alright.

With people it’s more difficult.   She is great with everyone she knows, a sweeter cat would be hard to find.  Introduce her to someone new though and she wants to run and hide.  Once she gains her confidence she’ll be alright, it’s a gradual process – all that time fending for herself was traumatic for her – survival has it’s scars.

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