Remember them in your will
Running an animal sanctuary requires a huge amount of resources and a legacy to the Pet Samaritans would ensure we have enough funds to continue our work and help all the animals in our care.
Your solicitor will be happy to advise you on the different ways you can help the Pet Samaritans. If you already have a Will you can add a Codicil (a legal addition) to remember the animals.
You can also ask your friends and family to make a donation to the Pet Samaritans rather than send flowers in your memory.
We’ve been helping animals for over 25 years and care for neglected, abandoned, mistreated and orphaned animals. We take in injured wildlife and hedgehogs and release back into the wild when they are better. We work with local vets and wildlife trusts and open 7 days a week for emergency admissions. We receive no Government or National Lottery funding for our Pet and Wildlife services. It’s all done on a wing and prayer. We are entirely dependent on our supporters – animal lovers just like you – to help us make a difference and be there for them when no one else can.
What would happen to the animals and wildlife that come to us on a daily basis if we didn’t exist?
Ozzie is just one of the injured owls we have helped recover over the years. Thanks to our care through our Wildlife Angels program, he made a full recovery and was released back into the wild.

This was a letter we found one morning at our gate along with a very poor and frightened cat. We found him a new forever home, safe at last. We often see abandoned animals dumped at our gates. It’s horrible to think what would happen to them if we didn’t exist.
Fidlin was an old champion ex-racehorse who needed a lot of love and treatment when he came to us. It took many months to get him back into full health but he made great progress and was re-united with his original family.

We’ve help thousands of dogs and cats over the years and provide the very best of care, love and affection. Golden oldies can stay with us for the rest of their lives and become part of Sanctuary life with a home from home environment.

It’s not just rescue services we provide. We believe education is a big part of sanctuary life and we work with local schools, young people and community groups to promote animal welfare, knowledge and care for the next generation of animal lovers.

There are many ways to support us but to ensure the Pet Samaritans continues to be there for the animals that need us, we are very grateful for the legacies and gifts in wills to keep the doors open and bills paid. After providing for loved ones, we hope you will consider making a gift in your will for the Pet Samaritans and all the animals at our sanctuary.