Kitchen nightmares at the sanctuary

Normally we’d say it looks a lot worse than it is but we really under estimated the job. Preparation work has begun on the kitchen area and we’ve had to rip out all the old lights that had stopped working and fix the electrical wiring. New wires and sockets are being installed thanks to Rob our star sparky who’s donating his time for free. What would we do without you!

They should really brighten everything up and we’ll finally be able to see again as the winter nights draw in. There is still a lot of painting and prep work to do after they have been fitted, so if you are free to pitch in, please let the team know.

A big thanks to everyone who has helped so far. We’ll have more updates and pictures to share soon.

We are still a long way off reaching our funding goal which is a real worry. Hopefully a miracle is around the corner and we can get the equipment and furnishings to finish it off in time for our October Halloween event. If you’d like to support to support this project, we’ve setup a fundraiser here.