Kids are curious

kids - karma & fudge - 1

When sanctuary goat Buffy had kids a few weeks ago there were too many for her to feed.  Normally goats have two kids at a time but she had four.   We left two with her for her to suckle naturally, the other two, shown above are being bottle fed.

The kids, called Karma and Fudge, are having four bottles of milk a day, we’ll be cutting it down to three in another few weeks as they begin to eat hay and corn.  The bottle fed kids grow well and are often bigger than the ones who nurse.

This is the first time they have been out of their pen and they loved exploring – a toy tractor was especially interesting!

Pictures of the two still with their mum coming soon.

kids - nanny & billy - 1

This is Fudge and Karma at two days old and keeping warm in the kitchen.