Most dogs are scavengers and like to eat all sorts of things that aren’t good for them. It might just cause an upset tummy but some items are toxic and can lead to a severe illness. If your dog has any symptoms such as sickness, being unsteady, unusually thirsty, suddenly lethargic it’s best to get him checked out with the vet. Convulsions are another sign of toxic poisoning, also muscle tremors. Pet proof your house by making sure that food waste and packaging is disposed of safely and always have vet contact information handy.
Store antifreeze well out of reach of pets. It tastes sweet and palatable but even a teaspoonful can be lethal to a cat. A couple of tablespoonfuls may kill a dog.
Dispose of corn cobs carefully. Some dogs like to chew on them but if they swallow them the cob will get stuck in their gut and cause an obstruction. Usually only an operation will save your pet’s life.
Dogs like to chew small toys. Then they get stuck in their throat and if you don’t get to surgery quickly enough, it will be all over. If your dog swallows a piece of plastic Lego he is likely to choke before you can get help. Keep all small items well out of reach.
Xylitol is good for humans but toxic to dogs. It can cause weakness and loss of co-ordination because it causes an insulin surge. Where do you find xylitol? In toothpaste, confectionery and cakes and cookies. Even a small amount can cause problems, a larger consumption could lead to liver failure.
Hot summer days and open doors – your dog may run outside, onto the road and get knocked down. It’s difficult to keep doors closed when the weather is sunny. Securely fence the garden or yard so that your pet can go outside in safety.
Fit a buzzer to the yard gate or keep it locked if your dog is loose. Nearly every week we hear of a dog being stolen from the back garden. Dognappers open the gate, call the dog and have him away before the owner notices. Dog theft is more common during summer months.