Keeping cats safe

cats - talullah 6

Sometimes it isn’t easy to keep cats safe.  It’s down to personality, some cats are runarounds and adventurous and there isn’t anything we can do to change them.

An indoor cat will be safe but not all cats like to be inside.  If they do, that’s fine, but if they are gazing up to the sky with their nose pressed against the window pane then letting them have some freedom is the only thing to do.

So getting the right cat is a big advantage and with an adult girl or boy you have some idea of what you are in for.   Any cat re-homed to a house near to a busy road has to be indoors so you have to make sure that will bring contentment.

Having your cat microchipped is essential, it isn’t just for dogs.   Your cat can easily be identified if chipped and hopefully returned to you.   We don’t put collars on cats, it isn’t necessary if they are chipped.  It must be horrid for a cat to have to wear something tight round his neck and we still see collars that have been left on too long and are covered by skin.

Cats love to go out at night but unless your cat is streetwise and feisty, we don’t recommend it.  There are too many foxes out there on night patrol too.  Sometimes foxes ignore the local cats – other times they are a quick supper.  Staying in is the only way to be sure of safety.

A friendly cat is more at risk of being picked up and taken away than a grumpy one who doesn’t like strangers.   Some cats will follow anyone and then forget the way home or get shut in a shed on the way back.

If your cat is lost then a good poster/flyer campaign in the local area will usually produce results. Notifying vets, schools, local newsagents and of course, animal sanctuaries, is the best way to make sure everyone knows that there is a missing cat. Again, a flyer with a photo is best, something that can get pinned up – phone calls get forgotten

Our sanctuary cat, Talulah, went missing for several days last year. Talulah is a Maine Coone and is big and temperamental. Pick her up if you dare.  Who would take her on?  When she eventually came back she was looking thin and the worse for wear.  Then we saw the dog who had attacked her – he had to go to the vet!
cats - talullah on mule