Injured birds

birds - injured pigeon

We’ve had two injured birds brought in this weekend, the pigeon above was caught in a tree and hanging upside down when he was found.  He has an injury to his back, partly healed so he might have been there for some time.  He’s a beautiful bird and when he’s had some food and a drink we hope he’ll be on the road to recovery.

The other casualty is a blackbird, she has an injury to her side and is still in shock at the moment.  She was found in  a back garden;  her wound is quite deep so she might have had an encounter with a cat. We’ll keep her warm and quiet and hope for the best.  Sometimes initial recovery takes 24 hours and we have to be patient.

We still have Wilma with us, she is the white pigeon who came in last year.   It took a long while for her to start flying again but she is in good condition and airborn again now.  When she wants to be!   Wilma likes it here with us and doesn’t want to leave.  Even when the door to her aviary is open she stays put!  It’s a hard world out there for a bird and Wilma obviously likes security.

birds - wilma