Hedgehogs visit Bolsover Primary and Nursery School

Campaigning is one of the most rewarding parts of sanctuary life. Through our animals campaigns we help educate and promote welfare for our animal friends in local communities. We often get asked to visit schools to talk about the work we do and inspire young people to work with animals. Recently, we were invited to visit Bolsover Primary and Nursery School to talk about our work with Hedgehogs and let the children meet some of these wonderful nocturnal creatures. Hedgehogs have been on the decline in Britain for a number of years. Once a common sight in gardens, they are now rarely seen. If a hedgehog is out during the daytime, it usually means something is wrong. Our Hedgehog hospital runs all year round and we helps hundreds of them, treating them for injuries and helping them put on weight so they can make it through the winter into spring.

Thanks to all the staff at the school for a wonderful day. It was great to meet all the fantastic pupils there and chat about the animals. We loved all the art the kids had made for our visit. Well done. If you have a group of people or indeed a school that would like us to come and talk about Sanctuary Life and Wildlife Rescue, please get in touch for more details.

Enjoy the pics from out visit.

Hedgehog at school

Hedgehogs at school

Hedgehog pictures made by school children