Hedgehog too small for hibernation

hedgie - too small 2This little fella was brought in yesterday, he’s much too small for hibernation.  The good news is that he’s eating well so we have a chance to get him up to weight before he hibernates.  He looks sleepy in the picture but that’s because it’s daytime, hedgehogs are nocturnal and come awake when it gets dark.   The only worry is that the kind lady who brought him in said that she found him wandering about in the road.  This is unusual behaviour, hedgehogs normally sleep all day.   Hopefully it was because he was very hungry, often it’s because they are unwell and have ate something that disagreed with them.

hedgie - too smallPlease check your garden to make sure there is nothing toxic or that can hurt one of these little creatures or any other wildlife.   Slug pellets don’t just kill slugs.

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