Hedgehog Rescue



Five baby hedgehogs have been brought in to us today.   A couple took them from some teenage boys who had put them in a plastic bag and were swinging them round and chucking them about.  When they told the boys to stop they answered ‘why should we, it’s only hedgehogs.’   This is a shocking attitude for a young person to have.   At this stage the people took the bag from them and after tucking the little ones up and keeping them warm, they brought them to us.

They are very young and don’t have their eyes open yet.   They would normally be suckling from their mother but since we don’t know where she is or where they have actually come from, we’re feeding them ourselves.



We’re giving them goat’s milk and it’s an every two hours routine.   They snuggle up together when they’re not feeding – a bundle of tiny spines.   They are also very different in size.  One is much bigger than the rest, the others are medium size and then there’s a really tiny baby.

They are taking the milk well but it is touch and go – the trauma of their ordeal has stressed them such a lot.  We’ll do our best for them – hang in there little ones…..