Hedgehog fight night

hedgehog-branson-3-1We’re trying to save every hedgehog we possibly can, their numbers continue to fall and they are a rare sight nowadays.   This one was having an evening stroll through a garden when he was set on by two dogs.  He managed to escape with bad injuries, two wounds on his back and another on his head.

The dogs didn’t do too well either, they both had bite marks on their faces.  Isn’t it strange how dogs want to attack hedgehogs and how easily they are able to do it.   The spines are so prickly, a hedgehog in defence mode is almost impossible to pick p and yet they still get bitten by dogs.  Badgers are another enemy of the poor hedgehog and they bite them and then eat them.  People are the worst predator of all, we take away their habitat and poison them with chemicals and weedkillers and kill them on the roads.

We’ve called this one Branson (in a bit of a pickle!) he isn’t co-operating too well so far, coaxing him to relax so we can treat his bites is tricky.   We’ve managed to get some medication on, he’s still in shock.   Hopefully tomorrow he’ll feel a bit better.

