When Suki went off to her new home it was a happy ending for this beautiful calico kitten. Thanks to her new family for sending us these lovely pictures and to let us know that she’s settling so well. It can take a while for a kitten, or any cat, to become accustomed to new surroundings. Some are easygoing and blend in from the start, others are unsure and scared.
You have to give kittens time, if they won’t eat at first it’s not unusual. Everything is strange and they’ll be missing their brothers, sisters and friends. Spending a lot of time with the new kitten is best, wrapped up in a fleece and with lots of reassurance and fuss works well.
You might need to hand feed a new arrival at first, small slivers of chopped chicken or flaked tuna are tempting treats. Your kitten will soon get on to scoffing pouches and asking for more. All kittens we offer for adoption are fully weaned and at least nine weeks old. They are eating well, both meat, kitten biscuits and fresh food, we like to give a varied diet. All our cats have ‘proper’ food as well as factory processed fast food, which is what the cans and pouches are.
Sardines, mackerel, white fish (the cheaper varieties), minced meat, beaf or lamb and chicken, all these are good food for cats and kittens. It usually has to be chopped up fine for the babies but we’ve known them to chew on big pieces they like it so much. As they get older we offer eggs occasionally, cooked and scrambled or boiled and shelled. A dish of bread (wholewheat) bread soaked in goats milk is liked. Cats have a sweet tooth but we don’t encourage this, there’s too much sugar already in some processed cat food, it’s addictive and why so many cats are diabetic these days.
Suki is having lots of love and has a friend to play with, she’s getting on well with the existing cat. She’s a lucky girl, thank you to her family for giving her such a good home – and to the kindness of everyone who has adopted one of our kittens. Please keep in touch – we have some lovely kittens still and three more tiny tots, found in a garden and mum nowhere to be seen, who were brought in last week.