Happy Easter from Pet Samaritans

ponies - fresh field - 1

Even though the weather may not be so good, Easter is a lovely time of year with Spring flowers and new grass instead of bare fields.

We’ve moved our mini-herd of resident ponies on to fresh grazing and thanks for the help from volunteers Janet and Lesley who came just at the right time.    The ponies love the taste of the spring grass, although can’t have too much in case they get overweight and develop laminitis (which is fever in the feet).    It’s a balance between giving them enough to eat but not too much high protein.  The grass in their new field is clean and sweet, it’s been grazed by the sheep previously, but it’s not too lush and there’s plenty of room for them to run around.  We fetch them in if they start getting fat.

The sheep have gone on to a field with longer grass because they are in lamb and need extra nutrition.  The lambs are due in another month – watch this space!