Handsome boycat for adoption

cats - sonic 11 - 1It’s hard to give up a cat you’ve had from a kitten and Sonic’s carer found this to be true.  Unfortunately the elderly lady who had given Sonic and his friend (called Sparkle) had become too much for her to look after.  Health problems had arisen and although these two cats are as good as gold, their care just wasn’t possible any more.

Knowing that they we would do our very best to find them good homes and if that wasn’t possible, we would provide a home for life, they were brought in to us.   They are both lovely cats, in the prime of life and having been well cared for they are both in excellent condition.

Sonic is clean and well behaved, a low maintenance cat who likes conversation and to

Sonic is neutered and vaccinated, he is a medium sized boy with a gentle nature, he’s a bit shy until he gets to know you.  He gets on well with other cats and shows no dominance, he is laid back and inoffensive.  He’s black and white, well marked with a smooth coat and the most magnificent whiskers.  Lovely golden eyes too.

We thought at first that Sparkle and Sonic would be much attached to each other, having lived as house mates for so long.  However, they aren’t bothered about each other.  Whilst they do get on and would be fine as a pair, Sparkle is the more outgoing of the two and she is more fussy with people   She is also most affectionate with another cat we have here called Mr.Big (Mickey) and goes and kisses him on his nose whenever she gets the chance.    He doesn’t mind at all!

If you can give Sonic (on his own or with Sparkle) a home please get in touch and come and meet them.

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