Golden oldie cats

Jasmine is one of our ‘golden oldie’ permanent residents.  She’s in her late teens and still doing well.   What accounts for her good health and ripe old age?   Well, Jasmine has a good strong constitution, she likes to keep active and has a stroll out every day.   This, still sleek and svelte tabby cat likes to come with me in the evening when I shut chickens up and check on goats and give dogs their suppers, so it’s good company and exercise for both of us.   Cats that eat well seem to live longer and Jasmine has an excellent appetite, one pouch or two perhaps – she can eat for England!   Her teeth are in good order so far, this is especially important particularly as cats get older.  Gum disease and poor dental health are one of the main reasons that cat sometimes don’t want to eat.

Jasmine has a very natural life at present with few restrictions on how she spends her time.    Like all our seniors she loves the heated pads when it’s time to go to bed.   Or sometimes she finds a nest on the hay bales, which is just as warm.    Jasmine has plenty of feline companionship too, she is not a quarrelsome cat and gets on well with everyone.  Longevity might be something to do with genes, but maybe it’s to do with good food, exercise, warmth and happiness – having plenty of friends and fuss and companionship.   Just the same for humans, eh?

We did offer Jasmine the chance to be rehomed but when she went on a trial run, and to a lovely caring person, she wouldn’t settle even though she had the best of attention.    So back Jasmine came and gave a big sigh of happiness – she missed her friends and the freedom.   This lovely old lady cat will stay here with us for the rest of her life.

We have many more elderly cats to care for – Tortie, Mischa, Myrtle, Bing, Grondhal, Tabitha, Tigerlily – to name but a few.    Providing safety and security and a home for life for the old stagers is very rewarding but it is more costly than caring for youngsters.   Any help you can give to our ‘golden oldie club’ would be very much appreciated.   [donate]


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