Fenella was found wandering around on a country lane – had she been dumped there? There were no houses nearby so it seems likely. She was tired, ragged and very hungry when she was brought in but is looking much better now. Ferrets eat meat and Fenella tucked into a bowl of meat strips with great enthusiasm. You can also buy special ferret food for them.
Fenella is friendly and likes being picked up, she is sedate and likes to sleep a lot. She tucks herself up in a towel and makes a snug little nest for herself. A large rabbit hutch is fine for a den but then they need an exercise area with climbing frame,, shelves, nooks and crannies for play and hiding. Provide some tree branches, rocks and stones for a natural environment. A ferret home can (and should) be made very attractive. A stoneware pot for the water is best or you could give a stainless steel bowl – avoid plastic if possible.
Ferrets need regular handling to stay tame, they soon get to know their carer and are friendly and responsive. It’s easy to give Fenella lots of attention as she is a delight to know.
Happy girl!