Field shelter is ready

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Our first field shelter is built, just a bit more finishing off but it’s ready for use and a huge thank you to everyone who has helped.  It will make such a difference to our ponies who can now find shelter from all weathers without having to be shut in a stable.

The goats like it too, Buffy took her daughters to see it and will be inside with the ponies at the first spot of rain.

The only problem?   There is only one – we need another two for the medium size ponies and for the big horses who need protection from the weather just as much.   If we could get them built before the onset of winter it would be a wonderful for them.

We’ll keep our appeal going on Fundrazr and if anyone can help it will be so much appreciated, knowing the ponies are warm and dry and still having their freedom is what we want.  Many thanks for all your kindness.