Ferret wanders into the kitchen

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When a lady living in a village on the outskirts of Chesterfield opened her kitchen door yesterday a very hungry ferret walked in.   He was taken to Charlesworth’s vets who kindly checked him over and then, when nobody claimed him, they brought him to us.

Ferrets are often let go when their owners no longer want them but if they have been tamed and domesticated it’s hard for them to survive.   This little chap, (we’ve called him Jingle) is very thin, he had a big feed as soon as he arrived and is still hungry today, no matter how much give him.

He’s not microchipped so we’ve no way of tracing him.  (That’s not the actual photo of him but another ferret we had in earlier).  If anyone is wanting to claim Jingle they have to be able to describe him.   It’s much better to have a ferret chipped so you can get him back easily if he does go missing.

Jingle is settling down well and likes his tummy tickling – he rolls over for a fuss when he’s had his dinner.   If you know anything about Jingle or have lost a ferret recently, please get in touch.