This poor dog was barely able to stand when he was brought in. The circumstances were tragic and we hope to be able to tell you more in due course. He is a lovely dog but is obviously very ill, he’s thin and can hardly walk, when the vet was examining him, he kept having to sit down. Something was hurting him inside and until further tests are done it’s impossible to say what his problems are.
His nails are badly overgrown which must be very uncomfortable if not painful for him.
This is something we can do to help him although they are so long that we have only been able to take a small amount off. A bit at a time will sort it out. I wish the rest of his troubles were as easy for us to treat. The vet feels sure that he has underlying and serious problems. Being examined was obviously painful for him. He eats well and drinks a lot so he could be suffering from diabetes, possibly with complications.
We’ve called him Sandie. He’s a perfect golden beach colour although life has been no holiday for this poor old dog lately. We’ll let you know more when we get Sandie’s results from the vet. This dog came in as an emergency, an update as soon as we are able.