Dog tied to gate

Last night we found a dog tied up to our gate with a chain.   Again.   Yes, this happens often.    It’s night time and we’re closed, either someone has found a dog and doesn’t know to ring the Council, or it’s a person who wants to get rid of their dog and straight away.    Yes, they seem to be heartless people, why can’t they hand the dog in during the day?   Because almost every animal sanctuary will give them ‘I’m sorry we’re full’ response.     It’s a done deed when the dog is fastened up and abandoned, we have to take him or her in.

If you are minded to ‘dump’ a dog (and we know that most folk are responsible and kindhearted and wouldn’t dream of doing such a thing) at least please let us know.   It was only by  chance that we found the dog last night.    It wasn’t raining and was fairly mild, although the dog looked totally bewildered and was grateful to have bed and board for the night.    The little dog tied to our garden fence earlier in the year wasn’t so fortunate, it was an extremely cold night and he was just about frozen stiff when we found him purely by chance.   Left all night and he wouldn’t have made it.

If you find a dog please report it to us or the local Council.   Out of hours the Council Care Line takes the details and will pass you on to us.    If you are having a crisis and can’t keep your pet, please talk to us.   Give us a call and we’ll do our best to help.   The dog is man’s best friend, please don’t be his worst enemy.