Buffy is a gentle, kind natured goat who has been in the sanctuary for the past eight years. She was placidly grazing but is in a bad way now though because a dog has got over the fence and savaged her. Her leg and shoulder have been ripped open and the wound is down to the bone. The vet has told us that another fraction and he would have had to put her to sleep.
She can’t stand or put her leg to the floor and we are very worried about her. Only the heroic action of our neighbours, James and Jenny, saved Buffy’s life. Thank you so much for your bravery. James was bitten by the dog as he pulled it off her.
We do not blame the dog – only the owner who could not or would not keep his dog under control. He watched poor Buffy being savaged. His dog was untrained and out of control and would not come back to him.
All dogs should be trained, obedient and socialized with all other animals. There is no excuse for not doing this. When walking through farmland or anywhere there are animals please keep your dog on the lead. This would not have happened if the owner had done this.
We ask for your prayers for Buffy, we are so worried about her.