Daydream needs a clean up

ponies - daydream 32Daydream may look like a little lady but she’ll wade through any amount of mud to get to a bit of fresh grass.   The torrential rain has turned parts of the field into a quagmire and we need to buy  more hardcore get it spread in the gateways and yard before winter.   All the ponies are well, a bit fat but that is no bad thing at this time of year.  We’ve been monitoring their weight all summer, if they get too plump they are at risk of laminitis but it has not been a problem and they will soon lose this extra weight when the grass dies back and winter comes.

The number on Daydream’s shoulder is her freezemark and this is her identification.   It’s a type of branding but using frozen crystals instead of a hot iron.  It doesn’t hurt and the ponies just stand there while it’s done.   It won’t grow out and a record is kept, not only by us, but by the freezemark company.   It may look unsightly but it’s vital if you are trying to identify a pony or horse.  And just to make sure, we have all the ponies microchipped too.  It’s been know for the freezemarks to be be dyed and altered with paint before ponies are sent to market.  There are some of the worst as well as the best people in the horse world.